Tunisian Embassy in Ottawa

Contact No.   : (+1) 613 237 03 30
Fax   : (+1) 613 237 79 39
Email   : [email protected]
[email protected]
Official Website   :

Head of Mission: Mr Mohamed Imed Torjomane, Ambassador

Visa Types Granted By Tunisia Are;

  • Tunisia eVisa
  • Tunisia Short-Term Visa
  • Tunisia Long-Term Visa
  • Tunisia Tourist Visa
  • Tunisia Business Visa
  • Tunisia Entry Visa
  • Tunisia Employment & Project Visa
  • Tunisia Student Visa
  • Tunisia Medical Visa &Medical Attendat Visa
  • Tunisia Conference/Seminar Visa
  • Tunisia Journalist Visa
  • Tunisia Research Visa
  • Tunisia Film Visa
  • Tunisia Intern Visa

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Hans Wosnitza

Does a Canadian need a visa if he is on a cruise ship visit. This will be for one day.


bonjour j'aimerais marier avec une femme tunisienne qui habite en Tunisie. s'il vous plais informez moi quel sorte de documents j'aurais besoin. merci

Frances L. Whitehouse

Attn: Consular Officer Sir, I am seeking information about retirement possibilities in Tunisia and would be most grateful for up-to-date entry and residency requirements. I was born in Canada and am a Canadian citizen.

Faizi Hussian

I am an Indian citizen travelling from Morocco to Tunisia and returning to India. I plan to stay in Tunisia for four days. I am unsure whether I need a tourist visa to enter Tunisia, as I believe Indian citizens are eligible for a visa on arrival. Could you please clarify this for me? Thank you

Kyla Legaspi

Hello. I would like to apply for visa. I am a Philippine passport holder and Canadian PR holder. What are the requirements?

Basil Alabadilah

I am Palestinian married to a Tunisian citizen wife what is the requirement document need to obtain visa to Tunis ?

Isabel Chan

Hello, we are holders of Canadian passports and will be visiting Tunisia in November. Please advise if we will be required to obtain visas to visit Tunisia for tourism purposes. Thank you.
